Senior year Studies
As Castle View students have submitted their course requests for next year, we look deeper into how incoming seniors have chosen their classes.
February has arrived. That means course registration for the 2023-2024 school year has been completed. For students that will be seniors next year, this will be a determining factor for next year and how they prepare for the future ahead.
Junior Micah LaClare has carefully chosen her classes for her senior year, knowing that completion is a huge motivation for her going forward.
“I have chosen to take ACC trigonometry and ACC English Comp and Intro to Literature because they will push me, but will be more certain to pass and get my college credit, rather than an AP class,” LaClare said.
With the new schedule next year, some students choose to have balanced schedules, while also pushing themselves, especially when it comes to college admissions.
“My schedule for next year is going to be a mix of easy and harder classes. I want an easy senior year but need to finish my credits and I want to get college credits so it is easier for me to focus on my major in college,” LaClare said.
Many students at CV have questioned whether the ACC (Arapahoe Community College) or AP (Advanced Placement) classes are better to take, especially when it comes to getting college credit.
“I would say out of personal preference ACC is better because you are for sure going to get the credit. If you get a grade of a C or above, you will pass and get credit, while AP is preparing you for a test to determine whether or not you get your ‘reward’ per se,” LaClare said.
Take some advice from an older student, about how to make life easier and to better grasp what’s ahead.
“When you make your schedules, start thinking about the future now or what colleges you want and requirements, because yet it is hard to determine, it will help you work towards the future and college or whatever the future will hold. Also start getting a good basis of AP and ACC knowledge now,” LaClare said.
Making decisions on which classes to take and when can be difficult, but LaClare has her mind made up and wants people to take her advice when these choices arrive.