All Fore one, One Fore all
Senior Owen Palasz reflects on how despite pandemic, perseverance and unity cannot break the boys’ varsity golf team
Photo Courtesy of CV Boys Golf
Puttin’ in Effort: Owen Palasz sets up his putt on the greens. Eye on the ball, focus is key. “To reach state our team had been practicing and working day by day,” Palasz said.
With the unexpected arrival of COVID-19, many people, in particular student-athletes, have had to adapt to the new changes in the way they practice and play in their respective seasons. One of the biggest concerns was how sports seasons would carry out. Despite the challenges, senior Owen Palasz reflects on how his varsity golf season has gone so far.
“In order to reach state, our team has been practicing and working day-by-day,” Palasz said. “We knew our team had a chance this year and we gave it our all.”
Overcoming the conditions that COVID-19 brought took some strength among the players. Palasz shared how each teammate had contributed to the effort.
“We’ve been able to help each other in many ways. In particular, we instruct our teammates’ swings and help fix each other’s problems,” Palasz said.
Working as a team has allowed Palasz and his teammates to reach new heights. By sticking together and helping one another, the varsity golf team continues to persevere through difficult times while playing a great season.
“We are all important, and without even one of us we couldn’t be a team,” Palasz said.