On the Road

On the Road


What was your favorite part about the journalism trip? Why?


“Probably meeting new people. When you’re stuck in Castle Rock, it’s hard to meet new people, and meeting new people from other states is really fun and cool.”  Yturralde said. 



What did you learn about Journalism from this trip?


“I was in a session with the yearbook advisor from Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and she talked about covering tragedy, she gave her specific advice on how to cover tragic and sad events.”  Yturralde said. 



What was your least favorite part about the trip? Why?


“Probably having to get up early. Getting up at 4am to go to different places around California wasn’t fun at first, but it was worth it in the end”  Yturralde said. 


If you could do this trip again, would you? Why?


“Yeah, I definitely would. It was cool to take a trio with friends rather than family, especially to a really cool location like California.”  Yturralde said.